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My God, He never disappoints. He orchestrates everything in its own individual timing. Just when we think God is far from us, He comes out with a blessing that is bigger and better than what we could have even imagined. Give thanks to the Lord because His timing is better than ours, He has already taken everything into consideration, and has given a reason for each season: “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. This season that you are in may seem long, and maybe it is, “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:8. God works everything out for us so that we don’t have to worry and stress ourselves out over the top. If you want God’s best, it also comes with exercising your faith, being patient in God’s will, and praying with expectancy. Try focusing on Him and His goodness, rather than what is on the other side. It can be tempting to focus on what’s ahead, but that may change in just a blink of an eye. Trying to keep up with God and His ways, will have you in a spiral because none of us understand the ways of the Lord, for His ways are higher than we can even perceive.

In due season.