“Every day will I bless thee, and I will praise thy name forever and ever”
PSALM 145:2
Did God wake you up today? That is a praise
Do you have a roof over your head? That is a praise
Praise God for the little things, He has given us so much more than we even ask for. Oftentimes, we get so prideful and caught up in all the things we don’t have yet and don’t look to the things that God has already given us. We lose focus, faith, and function to carry out who God is calling us to be. Just like when a friend encourages you, it gives you a boost of power and richness to go forth. Oh how the Lord loves our praise, it lifts His spirit and gives Him encouragement to continue in His power, though He is already Almighty and Powerful. Praise the Lord in every season, despite what it looks like now, the Lord knows the plans for us, and His word never comes back void: ” I know the thoughts I think toward you saith the Lord. thoughts of peace, not evil, to give you an expected end” Jeremiah 29:11. There is much to be grateful for, especially when you think to yourself, that someone out there has it worse than you. Give thanks for each day you are blessed with, some have not even woken up today. Give thanks through the good and bad, because everything will work out in the end, when you are with God. He never leaves us nor forsakes us, but we often do. There are times when you spirit man is weak and your tongue only produces murmuring, grumbling, and complaining, that is of the enemy, and that is the time to sing your praise to the Lord: ” And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” Ephesians 5:18-20