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“For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.”

zechariah 4:10

I set out for big goals so that I would have the feeling of grand accomplishment. But, I realized, like, with everything in life, it’s the little things that lead up to the big goal. When you are fixated only on the big goal, you disregard the small victories. You never stop to realize how much you have done just within a week. Did you get all your workouts in? Did you get to drink all the bottles of water you said you would? Realize that we have so much to be grateful for, even the small things that we often take for granted. When the Lord first revealed the promise that I would be a housewife. I was so excited. I could hardly contain myself. Each day, I would look out for my husband, the ring, and everything else. It was still in the shipping process, but I continuously rushed. I never stopped to look at the in-between leading up to being a wife. The Lord revealed to me that there was much to accomplish within me before I became a wife. It was months of purging, pruning, and purifying. I despised the process because I wanted to be there already, married to my husband and living life. I am so thankful for the in-between process, I became a ParaEducator for Special Education, a YouTuber, a better chef, and more disciplined in every area of my life. There is so much glory to give to the Lord because I now realize that the small victories count and are far more valuable than what could be ahead.