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“Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name”

Psalm 30:4

It’s so easy to complain, but what helps to silence the complaint is thanksgiving and praise. There is so much to be grateful for each day. Shift your focus from off that ‘thing’ and look onto the Lord. Praise the Lord for all the goodness that he brings into your life. Complaining stems from focusing too much on your own strength and moving into the position of being God. You are not God, and for that very reason, you don’t have the strength to do it all on your own. Be mindful of the pace that you try to run this marathon. Running ahead of the Lord will drain you and cause you more tiredness than anything. When you’re tired, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally, the enemy uses this weakness as an attempt to knock you down into complaint. You start shifting the focus on why things are not going the way you want, which is the main issue. You are trying to go your own way and The Way. Of course, you are drained, and with the small amount of energy you have, why use it to complain? Complaining is music to the ears of satan, while praise is a sweet aroma to the ears of the Most High God. If you find yourself complaining, shift the words to positivity, think on the pure things, and look to the Lord that gives the peace that surpasses all understanding.