“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, And they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”
Matthew 1:23
For so long I was afraid to go forward. I felt like I had to be extra fragile with doing anything in the eyes of the Lord. I was walking with the Lord striving to be in perfection at all times. I decided to live my life as if I had a straitjacket on and restrict myself from life altogether. This straitjacket mindset placed many layers and blocks in front of me, which unknowingly placed a hold on my life. God took me through the wilderness, and we did everything to get through onto the other side. When I could take one step and dwell in the promise, I hesistated and withdrew. I knew what the Lord had for me, yet I was afraid to step into it because of my fear of being human.
When the Lord told Joshua and the people to possess the land, they were afraid to cross over. They could not believe after going through the wilderness, trials, and temptations that they had finally made their way to the promise. They had been so much in the wilderness and it became a mindset. They could not see what was right in front of them. The Lord never intended for us to stay in the wilderness forever, although it feels like it at the moment. He prepares us for the promise so that we are established to handle it with care. Joshua and the people of God went through, and did what was required, even in multiple attempts, they obeyed. They followed the Lord all the way through, yet when it was time to cross over, they held themselves back to go.
The Lord made sure there was no harm for Joseph and Mary when they came out of hiding, yet when it was time to go to Israel they were afraid. They heard that Herod’s son was a king reigned, and it struck fear in them. The Lord told them to go, yet when they saw the enemy, they shifted away from their promised land. Don’t be afraid of the enemies of the land. When the Lord tells you to go, there is no weapon or enemy formed against you shall prosper. the enemy cannot defeat you if he has already been defeated at the cross. Your promise is yours to keep and nothing can stop what God has established.
I did all I could do to get to my breakthrough, with blood, sweat, and tears, but in my mind, it was not enough for me to receive my promise. I started pulling back and the enemy convinced me that I was not ready or worthy to receive. The Lord quickly reassured me that it was time to go, even if I did not feel like it. He saw my obedience and what followed from it, and His favor poured abundantly into my cup. I had to realize I was crossing over, even if my feet did not move as fast as I should have. I was worthy to receive and I had to shut down all the lies the enemy told me, and listen to my God. What the Lord says He will do, and what He has for you cannot be taken away.