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No matter how comfortable it was staying in Egypt, I realized at some point it would be time to move. I loved the work I was doing and it brought more ease than the last position I was in. I was truly comfortable, and I felt like I could continue on this path, and not feel too overwhelmed by it all. It was not until long when the Lord said ” your time is up” and I had to move. My first response was why? I feel comfortable, I have hour-long lunches, I get to see familiar faces, and I love the somewhat ease that I was experiencing. I contemplated, planned out scenarios, and questioned the Lord through it all. Then, I came to the point where my overwhelmingness led to my surrenderance. I did not want to leave what I was familiar with, but I knew the Lord opened the door for a reason. The Lord’s plans are never to harm us but to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11).

We become so comfortable in routine, that when the adversity of life kicks in we are shocked. We think we are always supposed to stay in comfort. Though it is easy to be in that routine, life will always be adverse and it is all a matter of how we handle it. The adversity of life leads us to new plans, changes, and decisions, and that can be overwhelming if not handled properly. In the Word, the Lord reminds us to not get used to consistency because we have no clue what a day may bring forth (James 4:13-17). If we constantly are stuck in this comfortable routine, when changes arise we will be afraid to step out in faith. Faith is what drives our life into the Will of the Lord, and this means we walk with Him, even when we don’t know where we are going. Trust is what helps us to drive with the lord, and this means knowing that by walking with Him we will get there safely.

Comfort does not last always. If life were always easy, and filled with our every desire and want, we would not need the Lord. Realize this, stepping out of your comfort zone, puts you a step closer to where you should be. It is hard, but faith in the Lord is the comfort to rely on. The Israelites were afraid to leave Egypt when they saw the newness of the path they were stepping into. They immediately wanted to go back because it did not look like what they were used to seeing. The Lord was with them the entire way, providing, fighting for them, delivering them, and comforting them. It was the comfort of the Lord that kept them, even when it felt uncomfortable for them to move.

Don’t worry about the ‘what ifs’ the Lord knows it. Don’t worry about what ‘may’ or ‘may not happen, the Lord knows it. You don’t have to do anything, but let the Lord drive, and you sit and trust the ride. The plan that He has for you is for good and not for evil, but to give you an expected end. It may not always be comfortable, but it all works together for your good.