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you are not God.

Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God

Ezekiel 28:2

I find myself in the driver’s seat most of the time, taking myself to work and to other places. I am so used to driving everywhere now, that I have not felt like being a passenger for a while. I believe this mindset has carried over into my walk with the Lord, not allowing Him to be the driver of my life. The flesh desires to lead but never to be led, this is why the Lord says ” The flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing” (Matthew 26:41)… In my mind, I know that the Lord is in control, but when it actually comes to allowing Him to be in control of my life, I fear. I fear relinquishing control because I have been so accustomed to taking the lead in my life.

I have noticed that the more I was in the driver’s seat, I had a sense of gratification along with pride. I thought I’d been doing it all by myself, not realizing that I can do nothing apart from the Lord. He gives me the breath to rise and rest, yet I still have the need to be in control. It was so easy for me to miss that I don’t set the course for my life, because it has already been orchestrated. I missed the duty of my discipleship which required surrendering. It became a routine of allowing the Lord to step into His role when it was convenient for me. When things seemed easy enough I would handle it on my own, yet when things grew hard, it felt like the convenient time to allow the Lord to be in control. This was not a relationship, it was a dictatorship. Manipulation and control are not qualities in love. Allowing the Lord to be Him, in His infinite power, and divine Love requires trust and realizing you are not in control.

How easy is it for us to toss the Lord to the side as if he is the passenger? He demands obedience to His ways and honor for who He is. In the book of Ezekiel the Lord shines a light on the pride of the King of Tyre. The king boasts about his fame, wealth, and substance as if he has been the one that set himself on the throne. Behind all of those things, he missed seeing that God was above everything he had because He is Lord over everything. There is a mindset that Lord requires and its humility. Those who are humble and meek in Spirit. The ones who realize their position differs from the Lord and will never match up to His throne. The ones who realize their strength compared to the Lords’. Those who truly mean “Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done”. It is a heart posture we must have in allowing the Lord to always remain on His throne, no matter the opposition against it.

We must put the Lord back on His rightful throne, He deserves all the praise, honor, and glory.