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There is only one true savior and He lives within us. The greatest thing that God has done for us underneath the sacrifice He made for our sins, was the power of choice. God allows us to choose everything we say, speak, and do. He does not hold us, hostage when living our lives. For some of us, we have big hearts, and we want to save everyone, even if in the process that means losing ourselves. I know from experience, that sometimes we make an idol out of the love we have for others. Having your heart open to receive can be good and bad, that is why the Lord tells us to “keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23. We often want the best for everyone, we want to love everyone, we want to care for everyone, but sometimes we don’t even realize the spirit that we are battling. Yes, the Lord gives us the strength to do all things, but who says it was our season to fight this battle. God does not want us to go into the battle, without the ‘whole armor of God’ on. If we don’t have our spiritual protection it can oftentimes leave us physically vulnerable. I tried to go into the battle of helping someone who I cared for deeply, and that person was deeply stuck with a legion of demons. He was battling lust, trauma, insecurities, fear, unforgiveness, and bitterness .. and the list goes on. It was masked behind a beautiful face and a personality that was like no other but was not rooted in the spirit of God. At the time, I was not spiritually mature enough to handle saving this person, without God. I did not trust that God would save Him, I was more focused on saving this person myself: “Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God’s: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it.” Deuteronomy 1:17.

This person was my idol, and I placed someone above God, I chose to step out of my character to save someone so deep that I lost myself. I caught myself stuck in the wilderness so far, that I did not realize who or where I was anymore.

Now, I will ask you this: What is your idol?