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“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”

2 TimOthy 3:14

If you fall, pick yourself up and keep going. Where you have fallen short, is not the end, not even close. This walk with the Lord is an evergoing process, and it does not stop if you mess up. You pick up your cross and keep going so that you can reach that mark again. Look to your old ways, and where the Lord has delivered you from so you are mindful of the things He has taught you along the way. Think back to the chastening the Lord instructed you with. His Words are wise and for our teaching and reproof, so that we may be presented holy and blameless before Him. Hold on to the things you learned along the way, they are not to be discarded or tossed aside. Everything you have learned throughout this journey should be kept in remembrance and shown in your life. I know it is easier said than done, but you have your cross to bear each day the Lord grants you breath in your nostrils. Find hope in Him, to reach higher and wider than you thought or imagined. The Word of God are tools for the journey ahead of us. Keeping our head in all situations, praying without ceasing, forgiving always, showing love to all, etc. We have so many spiritual principles that assure us to keep walking on the path of righteousness and following after the feet of Jesus. Keep Going, and finish your course to the end.